Senator Craig of Idaho has pleaded guilty in a police public restroom sting!
Craig was the Co-Chairman for the Mitt Romney campaign.;_ylt=AtXqdnpDrsj_C_8t_phJziqs0NUE
Oil Tries to Fund NeoCon Agenda
Mitt Romney has announced his candidacy. Former Governor Romney is from Massachusetts, the private school capital of the USA and a massive oil consumer. He is also a Mormon. No one should worry as much about his religion as they should the fact that his religion's center of power is in Salt Lake City, oil country. Home of the oil company that is now trying to market "terror free oil". A noble thought!
Former Gov. Romney has suspicously changed his position on having a Department of Education and he likes Bush's "No Child Left Behind Concept". A progam in which Texas stands to profit from and loose little. Just like the Iraq war etc.
We have a clear NeoCon motive here, the left that shifted right to invade Iraq for oil came out of the Johnson and Ford Machine as did others like Rumsfeld.j A system specifically designed to promote only minorities in education.
We must question what former Governor Romney intends for non-Boston educated liberals here. Are educated liberals to serve Southerners and Westerners for Boston? Will they promote the same anti-Northern liberal agenda as did Johnson and Bush?
Read A Thousand days. John F. Kennedy in the White House. pg 1-59. by Arthur Schlesinger. Johnson snapped at the VP position when Kennedy thought that he would refuse it. Kennedy then half-heartedly gave his speech about the "New Frontier". Perhaps this was because of his premonitions of the next NeoCon agenda!
Mitt Romney also was a missionary for the mormon church in France!
Let us not forget that they cut the head off of Antoine Lavoisier basically for being catholic educated while discovering the role of Oxygen in combustion and a flame hot enough to melt platinium.
Twin Sisters Bilk Govt of 20 million dollars!
Just after we find out that Cheney's lesbian daughter is pregnant!
What are those Neocons up to, New Town, D.C.?
They certainly weren't looking out for the WTC twin Towers either!