Why the Progressive LEFT LEFT the Amazon Deal
Simply put - Politics. The Left wants on the Right's bandwagon, to split the vote closer to 50/50 by adding whites, straights, and the religious right. Privacy issues and Family issues are being added to the Progressive Left's Political Machine to keep NYCs model in their blood.
Amazon was scheduled to begin the installation of jobs in Long Island City, in the Queens Astoria area. This would have offered jobs to more people, including more men, in the New York Metro area.
Who Profits from a tight schism? The Politicians.
Nancy Pelosi survived the Left squable, and now the Left wants Amazon out of New York too. And the Left wants more recounts and "foreign conspiracies" - but no wall (at least so they say today).
There are now still too few jobs in this port town and too much time for marches and "park occupations".
The Left follows for voter opportunities. IT DOES NOT WALK THE TALK.