Tuesday, February 25, 2025

How To Marry A Millionaire

Watch the Marilyn Monroe movie.  Measles was big there too.  

-Food for thought

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Immoral Christmas Parties in Washington

 Immoral Christmas Parties in Washington

    It was a remarkable election year. A President, whose son profited from Ukraine-Russian deals sat in office as Ukraine was pushed to war with Russia.  He, rightfully, persuaded to step away from running again, then promoted his Vice  President for the Office.  But his "Liberal Queen Harris" lost to a convicted felon, with the help of a South African businessman, the Space-X genius.  

    Now, the "lame duck" is  commuting the sentences of convicted murderers, as well pardoning his own son, who had relationships with women that included his brothers widow, and was convicted of firearm violations and drug violations.  Yet, the President did not see it IN HIS HEART to pardon the younger brother of the Boston Marathon Bomber.  A man who was an 18 year old boy that placed a "pressure cooker bomb" on a sidewalk in Boston for his now deceased older kick boxing instructor and marijuana dealing brother was not spared.  

    You have to wonder about the politics of this immoral Christmas Party.  At least he pardoned both birds at this years' United States of America Thanksgiving.  Maybe it beats guilt in front of the children of the United States.  But what thoughts are left on his table?

Monday, December 02, 2024

It's The Democratic Party's Turn Now

 It is now time for the rebuilding of the Democratic Party.  An unfit president, and a too liberal VP choice, were unable to defeat a Republican Candidate deeply in debt and convicted of felonies.  It does appear that the growth of the crime accusation list is going to slow down now.

The party changes, but continues...

Monday, September 23, 2024

Do We Vote For Our Personal Well-Being?


What a difficult and strange choice this year.  What is the party?  Is it an anything goes sex-related party or is it a legal rebellion party?  Very Very Strange.  Who is behind the curtains?  Will we have WWIII or anarchy?

Monday, August 05, 2024

Kamala, Face It: The Right Doesn't Like Neocons

 Ms Harris, face It: The Right doesn't Like Neocons.  An attempt to woo "Right" voters is ridiculous.

Many would not mind a Haley/Carson ticket, however. Will Trump give the slot up?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

We Need American Leadership NOW!




The Teleprompter is Visible in the Window of the Office of The President of The United States at His Exit.  Our POTUS can deliver a speech written by the new Democrat Party upon his exit.  And Asian money pours in to support the VP's run for his spot. 

We need to stop the shipment of junk like can openers that don't work while they can ship a GPS gadget for 99$.

The US and the globe needs American leadership NOW.

Friday, June 28, 2024

We now worry about more than "Malarky"

 The internet now allows us all to see the Presidential Debates...

And the party continues.  Why?

A strange combination of greed and incompetence, most likely.