Thursday, July 25, 2024

We Need American Leadership NOW!




The Teleprompter is Visible in the Window of the Office of The President of The United States at His Exit.  Our POTUS can deliver a speech written by the new Democrat Party upon his exit.  And Asian money pours in to support the VP's run for his spot. 

We need to stop the shipment of junk like can openers that don't work while they can ship a GPS gadget for 99$.

The US and the globe needs American leadership NOW.

Friday, June 28, 2024

We now worry about more than "Malarky"

 The internet now allows us all to see the Presidential Debates...

And the party continues.  Why?

A strange combination of greed and incompetence, most likely.

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Soldiers of Parties

 Election of 2024: The battles of speech writers and lawyers.  Where will this LEAD?

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Haley May Have Lost a Carter vs. Haley Election

It looks like Trump vs. Biden!

What is the United States of America to do now?  Are we poised to be in the role of debtor policemen while others elect appropriate leaders?  

Probably not.  England can't do it.  Russia doesn't do it.  And China doesn't have fair open voting.

Perhaps all is not lost, however; let us not forget, Germany did vote for Hitler.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

No Charges For the President

 Now-President, Joseph Biden, housed Classified Top Secret Afghanistan documents in his garage.  He then basically forced the Taliban to take Kabul firing on the them in the country-side "hide outs" after an apparently botched withdraw of our forces. 

President Biden: "We spent a trillion dollars".  

And apparently the US did so to aid the Taliban.

What is our government presenting to the world with this circus of Ex-President Trump trials and President Biden breakdowns?


Sunday, January 07, 2024

The Party is Over

 They voted for Joe Biden, they should be held accountable for their vote

      President Trump has refused to sign the "Candidate Loyalty Oath".  This is not acceptable in the United States of America.  Around 50% voted for Joe Biden, they should be held responsible for that.  We don't need a "dicator" changing our county to suit himself (and the incompetent).   The "party" should end.

Monday, October 09, 2023

The Chicago Neocons Are Back: The Ghost of Rumsfeld Haunts White House Foreign Relations


 The Neocons seem to be in the White House again.  Rumsfeld's ghost appears to be making trouble in foreign policy again, and once again there are "gross break downs in intelligence".

1.  Biden gives Afghanistan back to the Taliban, complete with forcing their expedient invasion of Afghan cities by bombing them in the country-side, reminiscent of Paths of Glory with Kirk Douglas.  

2.  Biden and son court Ukrainian companies and that ends up with the Ukraine being invaded by Russia with the support of Iran.

3.  Biden courts the Sunni country, Saudi Arabia, for oil exports and for softening of their stance against Israel.

4.  Israel, with a "complete failure of intelligence" is invaded by the Sunni Hamas, supposedly armed by Iran.

5.  Hezbollah, supported by Shia-dominated Iran, also fires rockets at Israel.

6.  The USA is now sending a carrier strike group to the Mediterranean.

If there is one person that it seems that you do not want supporting you, it seems to be President Biden, with accolades from Chicago's Barak Obama.  

The ghost of Chicago-born Donald Rumsfeld, the Iraq War Secretary of Defense,  seems to be the one behind the curtain here. 

And who can stop the Neocons now? It does not look like President Trump will be doing that.