Friday, September 28, 2018

Wayne's World At Congress

Obama and Clintons Join the Party -

Wayne's World takes place in Aurora, IL, a suburb of Chicago, IL - the real HOME of Obama and Clinton (vs. Washington, D.C. and the coast of Long Island, NY).

Did a high school-aged Judge Kavanaugh try to rape a woman, who went on to become a psychology major in California?

Was Mike Meyers laughing at the California psychologist, Dr. Ford, while on top of her in his basement? As likely as Judge Kavanaugh and a friend were in his room.

She is clearly a liar and that was presented at the hearing.  She flies whenever she wants to.  She is a pathological liar, psychology major or not, and it was presented.

The only problem with Judge Kavanugh is his POSSIBLE relationship with G.W. Bush.  And that may be positive for the country. He has the inside story!

Thank you Senator Graham and others!  Yesterday's hearing was a waste of time and tax payers' money.  Money they don't have, btw!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's Al Frankin when you need him?

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NPR 6 am 10.14.18

Their complaint/cry now is that Judge Kavanaugh did not allow anti-CFC legislation to block a non-CFC replacement for a refrigerant that had greenhouse gas properties.

et Clinton allowed all of those SUV sales for votes! It is a ridiculous comparison.

Carbon dioxide-like emissions do not destroy the ozone, and refrigerants are not emitted to the tune of SUV emissions!

The purples are idiots! That is now becoming quite clear.

7:01 AM  
Blogger nationaldefenseparty said...

Living on Earth today.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bombs to Democrats? Now?

After the the catastrophic failure of the Left against Kavanaugh, It would not be surprising to see a bold move worthy of Saul Alinsky or Andy Stern SEIU type tactics to try to get sympathy for the Obama/Clinton left - fake bombs to the left with glass shards? - most likely to help the left with free media near the election.

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That illegal Caravan can't be any help for them either!

2:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oxycontin against Trump - Making Bomb threats against the Left?


2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. He was a drug offender!

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now Pennsylvania is hit. Are the Taliban after our mid-term elections now?

2:06 PM  

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